Tuesday, October 27, 2009

My "I'm a New Yorker" moment

Ok, so I've had a couple of semi I'm-a-New-Yorker moments since I've been in the Big Apple but nothing quite like today. The few that I have had were more internalized and me thinking to myself "Look at me getting around on the subway by myself!" Or "Look at me meeting a friend in Manhattan for drinks!".

Well today, I was on the subway by myself heading to the movie theater for our "free movie Tuesday" (we get two tickets to the movies for FREE on Tuesdays with our cable rewards program...kinda awesome, huh? And they say everything is expensive in New York!). Anyway, the subway is pretty empty because I'm traveling the opposite direction of the rush hour crowd. I was reading a book and not paying much attention when a guy that had fallen asleep suddenly wakes up and is trying to get someone's attention to find out if he missed his stop. I happen to look up, catch his eye and in my most nonchalant voice, tell him "No, you're stop is still two stops away." He was very thankful and I was very impressed. I guess I'm not a tourist anymore!

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