So we arrived and everything else arrived in one piece minus a wine decanter that I was very willing to sacrifice at the expense of everything else not breaking. I must say, my packing team should get paid for what they did! That being said, Nat was also an A+, fabulous, stellar Budget truck driver. He menuvered the mountains of PA with only a few moments of stress, the rain of all of Kentucky and most of Ohio with ease and even the traffic and bridges of NYC. Basically, he was my hero that trip. And yours truly never even sat in the driver's seat!
Funny stories from the trip...let's see. I decided at the beginning that I wanted to take pictures of all of the "welcome" signs for the different states as we went. Little did we know that that would be more stressful than the drive up here (I'm kidding...alittle bit). Kentucky...check. Ohio(see below)...Nat had the windsheild wipers on in preparation for the upcoming rain I guess because it wasn't raining at picture time! Needless to say, that was about 2 minutes of me unneccesarily being unhappy! West Virginia...missed the whole damn thing as I was searching for animal crackers for my loving boyfriend. Again, about 3 minutes of unneccesary bitching on my part! Pennsylvania...I was PREPARED for that one. I think Nat stopped asking for snacks about 30 minutes before the sign was set to appear! :-) New it without snack or wiper distraction. And finally New York...the one I was most excited about, didn't even exist. What does it say about a state when they don't even welcome you!! I think it says that you officially live in the northeast! ;-)
What else happened? We played "see how many different state license plates you can spot". Any guesses on how many we saw? 30. I thought we would see more. Nat guessed that we would see exactly 30. Everything is a competition. The snack pack was a HUGE hit. Our favorites in order...chips (Doritos for Nat and BBQ Lays for me), Beef jerky (gone on day 1), Jolly Ranchers (surprise favorite), Animal crackers, Pringles (Nat ate his the night before we left!), and M&Ms. Thanks again Nillie and Ashley! We called a Holiday Inn in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania home for the night, debated for approximately 10 minutes as we drove in circles around the parking lot, where to park the truck. Finally compromised on a spot further from the entrance and foot traffic than I would have liked but underneath a light and in an area where Nat could confidently back the truck into the spot. Domestic bliss is all about compromise!
If you've managed to make it through all of my rambling, take relief, you've now come to the fun part! Pictures of our new home!!
We made it! The view driving into New York.
Driving through a mountain in Pennsylvania.

The windshield wiper/welcome to Ohio incident!


Boxes in the bedroom...

Boxes in the guest room/office...
Boxes in the kitchen...


Finished kitchen located to your right when you come in the front door. (Watch for an upcoming story on that table ;-)

Other side of the kitchen.

Our pantry in the entry way. Yes, we have a pantry in NYC!

HUGE closet in the entry way. It's where my stuff went.

Yes, the closet really is that BIG! I love it.

Our bathroom. Only place we saw with a counter/vanity like this.


Living room facing the entry way and front door.

Other side of the living room. Our bedroom door is behind me and the guest room is to the left.

TV on the awesome stand that my brother made me. The door leads to the guest room.

My office built my the hands of Nat McIntyre.
The place looks so great, Jenny! We're really happy for you guys. Keep the wonderful posts coming!
ReplyDeleteNow I can picture you at work getting quotes for me. Can't believe you have unpacked!!!