Saturday, October 10, 2009


So long story short, Nat and I needed an island. We had a pretty large open space in our kitchen across from our current counter space and definitely needed a new addition for cooking, appliances, decor, etc. So we planned our over night stay during the move in a location that would make it convenient to stop at an Ikea on the way to New York while we still had the Budget truck. We were very proud of our planning ahead and use of the truck. That being said, we slept in later than expected, took longer than expected checking out and getting breakfast. Very quickly, our 2 hour allotted Ikea time turned into an hour at best and for those of you that have ever been to an Ikea, an hour flies by like 5 minutes in that place!

So anyway, we arrive and I swear there were angels singing. There is a very special place in my heart for Ikea. We have our list in hand and task laid out before us. Priority #1 - Find an island and desk for my office. We had a few other things we wanted (bookcase, pots & pan hanger, duvet cover, etc.) but those could wait if need be. Keep in mind also, that I hadn't actually seen or been in our place for about a month so my perception was a bit off and Nat's (as much as I adore him) has a bit of a skewed perception or maybe a lack of observation, as is. So we search over all of the islands, finally make a decision based on size, versatility and price and get ready to leave. As we're walking out, the piece above caught our eye. It was on sale. It was practical and offered lots of counter space. We took it. Since it was on sale, we had to purchase it via a print out and then they had to bring it out of the back room for us. Nat gets the truck. I wait for the table. I see them coming from a mile away. The boxes, especially one of the boxes, are HUGE. I immediately think that there is no way this thing is fitting in our kitchen. But the decision has been made, maybe I don't remember correctly I think, and we continue on with our journey.
We arrive home and bring the boxes with the island/table pieces in first. Once I step in the kitchen, I realize how large it really is and am immediately put at peace. This table will definitely fit. It's going to look awesome! Cut to that night...

We're SO excited to put this thing together that we can barely contain ourselves. Ignoring the other 100's of boxes, we go straight for the table and open the 3 boxes up (2 with tables legs and 1 with the top piece). After opening them all up, it's very apparent to both of us that something or multiple somethings are missing. We have no brackets. No screws. No way to secure anything to anything. Literally, we stand there holding 3 pieces of pretty, smooth, white wood. The picture that you see above is what we saw in the store and what they sale online. Very, very deceiving. However, this is not going to set us back. We make a decision that we have to buy brackets and screw them from underneath to secure it together. No problem. We have this. We get the brackets the next day and while I get work done, Nat sets forth to set up our first domestic purchase and project as a live-in couple!

Next thing I hear is "Oh no, I think I messed it up!" Into the kitchen I go, expecting what is sure to be a huge hole, missing leg or some other terrible disaster. As I turn the corner, I see it. The absolute LARGEST, HUMONGOUS, GAWDY, AMAZON, GIGANTIC table that I have ever seen in my life. Nat was just kidding and didn't mess anything up but wanted to surprise me. And surprise me he did. I don't know what happened in the store. Whether it was the bright lights, the huge space or our delirium but somehow we/I missed the fact that this table belonged in either an architecture firm with blue prints covering the entire space or a work shed with saws and other various tools spread across it. Nat was so proud (as was I of him) however I couldn't get past the size of this thing in my kitchen. Nat kept saying how he liked the "industrial" look of it but I wasn't buying it.

So we debate. I work. He watches tv. I forget about it and then go back in the kitchen and then we discuss it some more. Options under consideration ranged from scrapping the whole thing to putting an ad on craigslist to hire someone with a saw (I was desperate). A few hours later, as I was working in my office, I had an epiphany. Maybe we could use only the legs and make a table out of them. From that idea, came our new amazing piece of furniture. Now, we not only have counter space to work on but we also have an eat-in kitchen and can use my bar stools! We are in love! And as an added bonus, we have a huge, white piece of wood sitting unused beside our fridge! Anyone know of any good uses for that? Here's the finished product (big props to Nat):