Monday, November 9, 2009

Blogger Block

This is my first case of it. I want to write and share and for some reason, can't come up with or can't decide what to write. Nat suggested that I just get something on paper so here goes...

1. We had our first Broadway play date night a couple weeks ago. So Nat is teaching for a company called TDF (Theater Development Fund). They are also the same company that runs the TKTS booths (Unfortunately we get no special access or discounts :-(). He got assigned to teach a new Broadway play called FELA!. In order to teach it, he obviously has to go see it so he convinced them to give him 2 tickets and we put it on our calendar. We were very excited! So originally, we were suppose to see it on October 23. October 23 comes and goes. We lounge around all night, prepare for our apartment warming party, watch tv, play Wii and go to bed. Next day, apartment warming party starts and I hear someone talking about another Broadway play that they saw. That's when it hits me....we COMPLETELY forgot to go see FELA! Seriously, F.O.R.G.O.T. How does that even happen? And to top it off, we literally sat around all night on Friday. Long story short, Nat tells a slightly exaggerated story so that 1) he doesn't lose his job before it begins and 2) we get tickets to go see it again.

We finally went to the show the following Tuesday, October 27 and let me say, it was AMAZING! I had no idea (except for what I read on their website) what it was going to be about. It's basically a play that is set in the last night of Fela Kuti's club, The Shrine, in Nigeria. Fela created an amazing style of music called Afrobeat. He was also a huge human rights activist, had 27 wives and formed a republic in Nigeria that he declared completely independent from the Nigerian State. It was pretty amazing. TONS of energy and singing and dance and awesomeness and crowd participation. Since it's fairly new to Broadway, tickets will most likely be discounted at the TKTS booths for some time. I would really suggest seeing it if you're in town.

2. I saw my first fight on the Subway. Between 2 women. At 10 am. Seriously. I was on my way to my first client meeting in the city and the two women, literally sitting across from me, starting yelling at each other. The train was pretty crowded and apparently woman A (as I will call her) coughed or sneezed and didn't cover her mouth/nose. Now woman B had her 2 kids with her and that obviously didn't sit well. She turned to woman A and told her that she needs to cover her mouth next time. Woman A protested and declared that she did cover her mouth and that Woman B should mind her own business. From there, it just proceeded to escalate (all while Woman B's two kids sat quietly next to her). Woman B is yelling and at one point says "You better watch what you say because you never know when you're going to run into a crazy person. And I'm a crazy bitch!" They continued to yell for another couple stops. Once they were done, they both turned in their seats, woman A started reading her paper, woman B started talking to her kids and it was over. Neither one moved their seats or acted like anything happened. Note to self: always cover your mouth/nose on the Subway!

1 comment:

  1. Fela couldn't have been too smart if he took 27 wives instead of having 27 girlfriends. (It's a joke, Mim.)
