Monday, October 12, 2009

Nashvillian Nugget:

So I happened to be cruising around town yesterday on a shuttle bus, in route to catch my subway train, and I notice an extremely (we're talking 75+ people) LOOOOONG line outside of this building. Of course that instantly peeked my interest and I assume that I am missing out on some awesome, trendy, New York event. About 10 seconds into starring at the extremely diverse group of people in this line, I realize that it isn't the line to an awesome event but rather the line for TRADER JOE'S! No lie...I bet those people waited an hour+ just to get in that store.

That being said, I thought I would share this with all my Nashvillian friends so that the next time you head to our beloved Trader Joe's in Green Hills, maybe you'll take a moment and appreciate being able to freely walk into the store. :-)

1 comment:

  1. I saw a smaller version of that when we were up visiting Nat! Crazy. Though our line may rival yours once wine can be sold in TN grocery stores.
