Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Two Very Important People

I was beyond blessed when Nat came into my life. Nat, by himself, with no awesome family members would have been enough. I, however, happened to hit the in-law family jackpot with the McIntyre's. They not only immediately treated me like family but they naturally felt like family. It's hard for me to even think about a time that they weren't in my life.

And while they are all awesome, it's two very important people that I want to focus on. Lilly and Max, our niece and nephew...here is preview....

I miss them every. single. day. I have officially gone off the deep end when it comes to these two. I save their voice mails (then play them for my roommate who is super understanding of my addiction). Talk in funny voices in front of my entire office when they call (via their mom's cell phone). Constantly tell stories to perfect strangers about their awesomeness. The list could go on and on.

Since moving back to Nashville, it's definitely been a hard adjustment not seeing them. When in NYC, Nat and I made an effort to get to Cape Cod once a month to spend time with them. Now it is particularly hard when Nat gets to visit and I'm not there which is exactly what happened this weekend. He does the best he can to make me feel like I'm there through phone calls and texted pictures but he knows it's not the same (It must be said that this activity only reiterates what an awesome dad he will be, as if I had any doubt!). And, as with everything else in our life, we turn their beautiful love and affection into a competition! haha. Not a real competition, but one where we ask who their favorite is and try to always make sure that person is you! As kids do, their favorites are constantly changing which makes this a fun and acceptable game.

Nat was giving me a hard time before he left for his visit last weekend. Our convo went something like this:

Nat: What if Max doesn't even remember you?
Jenny: Oh, he'll remember me. I'm his favorite. I'm just glad that you're getting some alone time because I am running away with this competition.

As fate would have it, one of my favorite moments from the weekend was when Susie (Nat's sister and their mom) asked Max if he was excited about seeing Uncle Nat to which he loudly proclaimed "Where's Jenny!". Yeah, I rock. I have the love and favoritism of a 2 year old and that is enough for me! ;-)

*This is one of my favorite pictures of Uncle Nat and Lilly. It was taken on the Staten Island Ferry during their NYC visit.

*This kid ALWAYS has the biggest smile on this face.

*Napping on the beach with his Auntie Jenny

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