Friday, October 21, 2011

Lake George Birthday

For my birthday this year, Nat surprised me with a trip to Lake George in upstate New York. Up until this point, I had never been to upstate New York and everyone always raved about how gorgeous it was so it was must-do on our list. Two birds with one stone. The long weekend included a mountain-top picnic, bed and breakfast, Six Flags (the real driving force behind this destination), hikes, waterfalls, breweries and the list goes on and on! It was so much fun!

Prior to leaving, Nat mapped out our route so that we could stop at a fresh market on our drive to Lake George. We picked up the necessary picnic ingredients and then shortly after that, arrived at our picnic spot. After a short hike to the top, we dined while overlooking all of Lake George. So beautiful!Post picnic.

SIX FLAGS!! I think it's safe to say that I am an amusement park junkie. I literally turn into a 10 year old kid when I enter the park. And even though he doesn't have quite the same reaction as me, Nat is slowing starting to love screaming his head off. While going backwards. And upside down. It was a cloudy day which made for PERFECT conditions in the park. We showed up early so we could be among the first through the doors. Turns out, they opened the park 15 minutes early so by the time most of the people arrived, we were 5 thrill rides in! They also had a water park, which is where Nat turns into the 10 year old. All around, this was a great day!

On the last day, Nat found a great spot where we could hike around Lake George and up to a waterfall. On the left is a picture of the drive up to the hiking spot. It was so nice to drive through these gorgeous woods with our windows down. Definitely something you can easily take for granted when you own a car and live outside of NYC! On the right is our view of Lake George as we hiked around it.

Where's Waldo? He's a crazy one!

I don't have proof of it, but I did go up to where Nat was in the last photo. However, I did not stand under the freezing cold falls. This was enough of my body in the water for me!!

This was our first attempt at a self-pic with my new camera. As you can see, we could totally see ourselves on the screen so instead of staring at the camera lens, we choose to stare at ourselves!!

Second attempt. Just right. :-)

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