Thursday, September 15, 2011

Southern NON-APPLE Girl!

I'm willing to bet that 100% of my readers already know this gem of information BUT (I kinda still have to tell it for the sake of my blog transition!) a couple of months ago, Nat and I made a big decision and decided to move back to Nashville! It went kind of like this...

*Jenny gets offered big promotion at work that if she accepts, will require a move back to Nashville.

*Nat is very loving and supportive but also slightly anxious about the future of his ACTING career in MUSIC city!

*As with most things in our lives (little or big), we talk, and talk, and talk, and talk, and then talk a little bit more about the decision. All in all, I think the talking spanned a solid 2-3 months!

*Once the actual offer was made, we already knew what our decision would be and we couldn't be more excited to start our next chapter in Nashville, TN!!

*Nat already has some teaching gigs lined up with a theater here in town and hopes to stay with his agency which just opened an office in Atlanta (4 short hours away). This new move has also ignited talks about opening our own theater company, him writing more plays and us finishing (and by finishing I mean starting!) some of the screen play ideas that I must keep top secret for the time being. ;-)

I am officially back in Nashville and living with one of my best girlfriends. Nat has plans to join me within the next few months and then wedding planning, house hunting and lots of quality time with friends and family is on the schedule!

Now don't panic. My blog is not going anywhere (I can hear major sighs of relief! haha). I'm going to transform it into a journal of sorts about my life, our life, our wedding, our friends, our move and our next chapter. The plan is to write more but that is always the plan and so far, I'm probably scoring a D in that department (actually probably more like a D-). Hang in there!

And because it's the end of Chapter 2 for us, it's probably a good time to look back over our NYC journey...

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