Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Let' s just pretend that it's not really June (because honestly I feel like it should be February) and that I haven't blogged in like a year. Okay. Awesome.

With that out of the way, let's do a quick summary of things that have happened in the last year:

1. (And most important) The MossIntyre's are engaged! The deed went down on Feb. 20. At our best friend's house. On the couch where the first, extremely awkward move, was made. Awwww, memories.

2. Nat booked a play, MacBeth, in St. Louis that ran throughout the month of February. He moved there from Jan-March. While he was playing in St. Louis, I moved back to Nashville and worked from my company's headquarters. Probably the only time in our lives we can say that we had homes in 3 cities.

3. My brother also got engaged to a great girl! Their engagement went down exactly one week to the day before our's did. Yay for Moss family weddings and love and joy and my dad being thrilled that he only had one girl!

4. We took a vacay to Riviera Maya, Mexico with 2 other fabulous couples. For anyone looking to try an all-inclusive vacay, I would HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend the Now Jade Riviera Maya.

5. About a two months ago, Nat found a way to trip so hard over our entertainment center that it broke a piece off and sent our 42" flat screen tv plummeting to its' untimely death via glass coffee table. The glass coffee table left without a scratch and definitely got the last laugh.

6. My company is expanding like crazy. We have a new, awesome space and two new, awesome employees. I love being a part of something from the first stages of growth.

7. I feel kind of like I'm writing a Christmas card right now.

Now that the official slacker post has happened, I feel like we can all move on and talk about much more ridiculous topics. Until next time (which will be VERY soon!)...


1 comment:

  1. I mean, I love you. So does Charlie. He told me. So many LOL's. Miss you sussa!
