Followers of Southern Apple Girl, it is my great pleasure to be the first guest blogger in the illustrious history of SAG. For those of you who do not know me, I am the reason that your beloved Jenny Moss is braving the windiest, snowiest, and coldest New York winter in years. I am her boyfriend, Nat McIntyre. Jenny moved here because she loves me (or is punishing herself for some horrible crime she committed in her past, but I choose to believe she loves me). And because she loves me, she wanted me to be able to pursue my career in theatre, film, and television. I wanted to give you a taste of what life is like for a first year NY actor. Many of you would probably think that after I finished my 3 years at one of the top acting conservatories in the country I would move to NYC and start auditioning and performing in plays by Shakespeare, Ibsen, Mamet, and Churchill. And movies with actors like Dustin Hoffman, Meryl Streep, and Tom Hanks. Well, year number one has been a bit more humorous than that (although I cannot complain). Here is a list of some of the roles I have gone in for in film and television-
Royal Guard
Douchey British Guy
Working Class Boyfriend/ Murder Suspect
Dangerous Hick
Stupid Hick
Neglectful Dad
Stupid Bouncer
Drunk Irishmen
Irish Cop
Irish Thug
Irish Friend
Irish Thug
Cop (4 times)
Russian Gangster
Russian Wrestler
Helmsman of Pirate Hunting Yacht
Construction Worker
It has not all been for nought, however. I was indeed cast as the Irish Thug, Cop, Helmsman of Pirate Hunting Yacht, and mover in a commercial for the Tribeca Film Festival. It is this last one that Jenny thought you all would like to hear about. It was between that and the audition for a Russian Wrestler in Angelina Jolie’s “Salt” where they told me I had to act like I was holding my newborn baby for the first time and then pretend I found out my new baby was dead. All without any prep, baby, or lines. But as bizarre as that was, it wasn’t nearly as bizarre as my two days on the set for the Tribeca Film Festival Commercial…
Day one started at 6am - I was playing the part of a mover who was literally moving Tribeca (which is a neighborhood in NYC) to people’s living rooms so they could watch the festival remotely. Sounded funny. It wasn’t funny at 7am when they had me and another guy out in 20 degree weather shooting our first shot of the day which consisted of the two of us lifting a 140 pound man on top of a 90 pound cast iron bench and carrying it about 50 yards…12 times! The rest of the day consisted of chasing a mime down the street, moving a cab wrapped in bubble wrap, carrying a 350 pound Hasidic Jewish man, moving a model, garbage, a steam pipe, numerous boxes, a walk sign, a stop light, and a horse… Ah yes, the horse. I was in charge of walking the horse down the street. I had been practicing with the horse and its rider for a while and we were all feeling very comfortable. That was when they decided to put a humongous moving box that had been built special for the horse on top of my new friend Brutus. Well he was a little skittish from the start, when out of nowhere a small van turned down the road and spooked the horse. Oh man, Brutus went crazy. Kicked through the box and started bucking backwards down the street. The rider barely stayed on, but the horse ran into a car. No worries, Brutus was fine, but when you see the spot, there will be no horse. The day ended at 6pm after 12 hours of moving everything in sight and I thought that was it.
However, they called me back the following Monday to shoot a final scene…. With Robert Deniro. Quite a couple of days!
So, ladies and gentleman, there is a taste of the life of this first year New York actor, who is incredibly thankful for your friend Jenny Moss and all the support you are giving both of us.
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