Monday, February 1, 2010

Germ Guardian to the rescue!

So it's been too long. Let's get that out of the way. Now onto the amazingness that I would like to call "Germ Guardian" (it's what is printed on the front)!

Below is a picture of our new best friend. Since about the time that I made the move here, I have been an extremely itchy girl. And I don't just mean a casual patch of dry skin. I mean, full-on, my entire body itches and NO amount of the most deep moisturizing lotion can heal it. I literally got to the point where I was putting lotion on my entire body 3 times a day and after showers and nothing was helping. I would wake up in the middle of the night itching myself like a crazy person. Now a person who is from the northeast or who has lived here for an extended time (other than my boyfriend who is oblivious to this kind of knowledge), would automatically tell you that it's dry skin. A person who is from the south where humidity is a curse and not a blessing, would first assume otherwise. I went through my mental check list:

1. Haven't changed detergents - CHECK

2. Haven't changed soap - CHECK

3. Not using a crazy new lotion - CHECK

4. Maybe my clothes were dusty from the move, so I decided to wash my most frequently worn - CHECK

5. Cleaned the house to rid it of anything potentially harmful to my skin -CHECK

So at this point, I'm beginning to develop a rash on my chest and back. I assume it's from some crazy product or medicine that I've introduced into my life. Now there's probably half of you that would have immediately came to the dry skin conclusion and another half of you that would have taken my steps. You don't have to reveal where you stand. So now that I have the rash to deal with, I start talking about it to some of our NY pals. This is when the discovery is made.

Drumroll's because of the steam heat and its drying effects on your skin. Ok, so new agenda. I set a pot of water in the bedroom to add moisture. Bam. Not a week later, the pot is dry. Ok, so this is working. We're now getting ready for the holidays and I figure that things will drastically improve once I am in the great, humid state of Tennessee. As expected, they do. This startling revelation led us to the point we're at now. We needed a humidifier. Yes, my southern friends who strive at every turn to rid themselves of the horrible thing we call humidity. We have now used our hard earned money to pump humidity INTO our home!! Last night was the first night with it. It's portable, so it's basically finding a home in whatever room I'm in. It also has a "soft glow" for night time use and a really calming sound. I LOVE IT! I'M ADDICTED! And I thought it would be a great post to kick off the new year and the posting drought. Lots more to come!

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