I'll get into the details of this insane work out experience later but in the meantime, I didn't want to deprive you of this gem of a story...
I get home from my third day of doing this grueling, awesome, relaxing, strenuous, intense workout that they call Bikram Yoga. For those of you not familiar, it's set up to constantly be 95 degrees in the room using heaters that are mounted in the corners and blow heat throughout the 90 minute class. The only rule that they have is that once you start class, you can't leave. Yes, you heard me right. Why would anyone do this workout and keep going back for more? Your guess is as good as mine.
So anyway, home from my third class. I'm on the couch and telling Nat how it went. It was a tough class. It was Friday evening and it just seemed like everyone was beat. This is the type of class too where you feed off of everyone else and kind of push each other to get through. If you need to take a break, they instruct you to sit down with your legs bent underneath you and focus forward at the mirror, keep your focus and work on steadying and maintaining your breathing.
About 45 minutes into the class, I desperately need a break. I move into "break" position and am looking forward to focus my eyes. I couldn't have picked a worse time for this break. As I look up, the man in front of me, who is wearing only a speedo (and I really don't blame him because you want as little clothes on as possible for this class), is bending over and grabbing his ankles. I immediately realize that focusing my eyes and breathing is absolutely not going to happen because all I can see is the massive amount of sweat dripping from this man's private region and more specifically, balls.
You might think that Nat would be disturbed by this story. Perhaps grossed out. Perhaps disinterested in hearing about another man's sweaty balls. However, you would be wrong. Literally the first words that come out of his mouth are "You have to blog about that!". So there you have it.
Tip of the day: Avoid speedos in a 95 degree yoga class at all costs.