Wednesday, April 7, 2010

It's official: 2 years in the books!

Yes, that's right. Nat and I just celebrated our 2 year anniversary on March 19. I can't believe how fast time flies! I mean, I know we haven't been together (in the same city) for 75% of it but still, it's flying by! It felt even more crazy when I talked to my best friend Caitlin and she pointed out that after 2 years of dating Ryan, they were married!!

We planned to have a very low key celebration and instead of giving gifts, we booked a week long trip to Florida with a couple of our other best friends in June. Little did we know then that Nat would get offered a theater gig and book a play that is running during the same time as the trip! This in turn leaves me flying solo on our anniversary least it's with friends that are used to me being minus my + one! :-) The perks of dating an actor with a never fixed schedule! Oh well though...I'm pretty sure we'll make up for it after he's done with the play (*cough**cough* Nat).

I'm getting off the subject though. I wanted to share with you guys what I would like to call my week of anniversary-ness:

DAY 1:

While not suspecting anything at all since it was only Monday and our anniversary was Friday, these lovely guys made their way into my life announcing themselves as the first day of our anniversary week flowers. And the crowd goes "awwwww."

DAY 2:

These little gems, my favorite aside from Godiva truffles, make their way into my life announcing themselves as day 2 of our anniversary week chocolates. Who doesn't love chocolate and peanut butter. Yummmy!

DAY 3:

As these 3 roses make their way into my life on day 3 of our anniversary week, I find out that the plan all along was to do flowers each day but by the time he got home on Tuesday night from his meeting in Philadelphia, all of the flower shops were closed. Ummm, you're not hearing any disappointment from me! As you can see, all of the flowers had to bunk up in the same vase because I'm not a girl who has ever had a need for more than one flower vase at a time!!

DAY 4:

Last but not least, day 4 anniversary week flowers! As you can tell, I didn't take the picture quite as quickly as I should have but they started out as the prettiest ones of the entire week. Now all three of my flower bunches are bunking up together in one vase! We tried but there just wasn't enough water to go around! ;-)
For the official anniversary night, I purchased a Groupon (if you don't know what that is...send me a message...immediately!) for $75.00 of French cuisine at a restaurant in NYC called Picnic for only $35.00! Always one to look for a deal. :-) Coming out of the awesome week of anniversary gifts (and not participating myself) I decided to splurge and instead of splitting the coupon with Nat, I covered the whole thing. What a girlfriend! haha.
So here's to 2 years. It wouldn't be right to celebrate without extending my HUGE gratitude and thanks to everyone that helped us get to this point. I know there were times when it wasn't an easy ride for us to be that far apart and you have all played a part whether it was being a cheerleader, shacking buddy, plus one, road trip companion, ear to listen, happy hour partner, canoe buddy, party planner, evite composer, travel agent and so many more things. You are always appreciated. And YOU, Nat McIntyre, are the best anniversary week (or anytime really) boyfriend I've ever had!!