Friday, December 18, 2009

Rockefeller Christmas Tree Lighting 2009

Just bear with me...I wasn't sure if there would be a countdown or if they would just turn it on so I videotaped the a bit early. :-)

3 Month Evaluation

I thought this would be an appropriate time to make a list about things that I miss about Nashville and love about New York. Obviously, my friends and family and said boyfriend go without saying. These are more tangible things...


1. The radio. I realize that I could listen online but it's not the same.
2. Rosepepper
3. Predators hockey games
4. Being able to control the temperature of my apartment
5. Humidity...Yes, ladies, I said it. I committed the mortal sin and said that I miss humidity. You try living with steam heat in a dry, cold climate and see what it does to your skin. I would rather have a frizzy fro' then an itchy rash!
6. My own washer and dryer
7. Yazoo
8. Mafiosa (sp?) - I've tried lots of pizza here but none of it can compare
9. Not always feeling under-dressed. Everywhere you look in New York, people look amazing. I just can't compete (nor do I want to!).
10. Having a microwave - I realize 2 things here 1. They're cheap and we could just buy one and 2. This goes against my excitement for a tea kettle. Each of these points are valid but the microwave stays on the list for the time being.
11. My hair stylist
12. FAMILIARITY! (food, bars, roads, buildings, stores, etc)
13. My car, driving, etc.
14. Knowing someone or knowing someone who knows someone who is involved with everything that happens in Nashville.
15. A dishwasher
16. Cheap everything. Beer, food, wine...well, those are the staples at least. And by cheap, I mean financially cheap not quality cheap.
17. People talking to strangers. I wanted to give a lady my extra coupon at Bath & Body Works the other day and she looked at me like I was crazy and going to rob her!

1. The access to a $25 spa mani/pedi
2. Delivery anything...Thai, Chinese, Mexican, laundry, liquor, etc.
3. Never having to get out in the rain or cold to fill my car with gas
4. Gas cooking. Love it!
5. My tea kettle. I realize that I could have had one of these in Nashville but I had a microwave so it didn't seem like a necessity. Now I have one and I love it. It's confirmed...I'm a dork.
6. Strangers
7. Christmas lights, store windows, parades, events, holiday markets, etc.
8. Flea markets - Trendy flea markets, local flea markets, cheap flea markets, hand made everything flea markets. Take your pick.
9. Free movie Tuesday
10. Reading on the train
11. The ease of access to anywhere in the northeast. Seriously, I can go to DC, round trip for under $10.
12. The shopping goes without even needing to be said
13. Celebrity and Dredyl - These came into my life since being in New York
14. Lots of visitors!
15. Cheap airfare and three airports to choose from!

I'm sure that I'll add to this list as things come to me too but it's a good start. I think it's good to do this...I wouldn't have thought that the lists would have been so even but I guess that's where the friend factor comes in and weighs heavily on the miss Nashville side. I'll see you tomorrow with arms wide open Nashvegas!


So I realize that it's been WAY too long since I did this but yesterday was such a random/hilarious/new york day that I wanted to share. This is what I intended this blog for anyway.

1. I'm walking home from picking up some last minute gifts. I just got off the subway and am in our neighborhood, probably 2 blocks from home. I'm walking one of those walks with an extra pep in my step. Christmas shopping is done. I'm going to Nashville in two days. I can't wait for Christmas. You know, that walk. When all of a sudden, I look up and can't even believe what I'm seeing. There is a man, not 10 feet in front of me, going into one of our local bodegas. And what you may ask is so crazy about this man...he's carrying not 1, not 2 but THREE very dead, very skinned, very young, GOATSSSSSS over his shoulder! Seriously, I realize that meat has to get into places somehow but I always imagined that it came into stores via cute little, shrink wrapped packages! This blew my mind. Here is this guy on the street, making his daily or weekly delivery of dead, skinned goats!!! And of course, their head's/eyes were facing me and just kind of bobbing by.

2. It's laundry day for the McIntyre-Moss's. Typically, Nat would do laundry if he had an afternoon or day off during the week but he's been so busy with work that this wasn't an option. So we pack up the 2 biggest suitcases that we have and head off (we don't do laundry as often as we probably should!). We get there, load the machine (by the way, they have a $5.00 machine that literally fits both of our suitcases of clothes...who knew). And ladies, you maybe asking yourself about my delicate stuff...I just do that at home by hand. Underwear, sheets, towels, pjs, tshirts, etc. is all that makes it to the $5.00 universal bin! Anyway, we then head off to grab some food while that is going. I don't want Chinese because I've been eating Chinese leftovers for 3 days now so we walk down to try out a Mexican restaurant (I use the term restaurant loosely here...they mainly do deliveries) that we've seen but never tried. We go in...I order a Chicken Taco Salad and Nat gets a burrito. We order salsa and chips, get our Diet Cokes, tell them it's to-go and pay. Everything up until this point seems very normal. Then Nat very casually leans over and makes the very candid observation...."Hey babe", he says, "do you think it's kind of strange that we just ordered Mexican food in a Mexican restaurant from all Chinese people." Yes, that's right.

3. Now the kicker. Nat leaves before our food is ready to check on our clothes. I get the to-go's packed like typical to-go food in a large, white, plastic bag that is tied at the top. I'm heading back to the laundromat and crossing over the main street that we have in Kensington. I mean, this is literally the biggest, busiest intersection in town (most of you can probably see where this is going). As I cross the street and am almost to the other side, it happens. The plastic on my heel hits the pavement wrong and all of a sudden, I'm doing a Grade-A, Major face dive into the concrete. Fortunately, I was able to save my face with the to-go bag of food. As my knees crash into the road that happens to be the busiest intersection in Kensington, my face crashed into our chips and salsa! Of course, I hop up like nothing happened because this embarrassment is too much to handle. Two very nice guys approach me first and ask if I'm ok and then after I take a few steps, another guy comes up to make sure I am ok. Of course, I laugh it off, thank them and try to courageously head on. It takes about 10 steps to really realize the extent of my injury. I'm walking with a limp. Very small tears have welled up in my eyes and I just want to get back to Nat for some sympathy!! That's about it for that story. I have a huge bruise/knot on my knee and can't bend or straighten it out all the way without some pain but this too shall pass.

The good news...this made for a great blog post after a long lack of new posts!