Wednesday, September 30, 2009


The move date actually got here A LOT quicker than expected. Maybe it had to do with the fact that I was in a wedding the same weekend that I moved or maybe it was the dreaded "see-you-later's" with friends but I definitely wasn't prepared when the time came. Although, I don't know that you can ever really be prepared to pack up your entire life and start over in a new city. As exciting as it was to think that I would finally not only be in the same zip code as my boyfriend but literally under the same roof, it was also extremely bittersweet to bid farewell to the friends that I had before I moved to Nashville and also the ones made during my time in there. That being said, it was quite possibly the best decision that I've ever made and I don't have one single regret (although I may down the line...hehe)! Living here and being with Nat has been better than I ever thought it would be. It's so much fun getting to hang out with your best friend every single day. Ok, now I'm just being cheesy. Check out these pics from the actual move....

My awesome moving team. I was semi-forced (for very good reason) to bid farewell to an old friend. I think the duct-taped back is what did her in.

Two of my favorites

Last wine night with Tina at our now old apartment. Farewell 12301 were very good to us!

Did someone say snack pack for the road trip? We estimate that we each gained a minimum of 10 pounds in 2 days but it was worth it!

One last lock down of the truck...AND WE'RE OFF!

Monday, September 28, 2009


Hey guys! I'm SO excited to get started on this blog. Not only to share all of the craziness of this adventure and keep in touch with you but also to document events and moments that I will be able to look back on for years to come! Thanks everyone for pushing me to get this thing up and going. Hopefully they will get easier after this one! :-) That being said, I thought I would start off with some pictures of the place pre-move during the search process. Next, I'll post some fun ones from the actual move and then pics of the place all set up. It's still a few days away from really feeling like home but we're very, very close and I figured if I kept waiting until it was perfect, I would never post anything (for those of you who don't know, I live with a real-life tornado. We like to call him Tor-NAT-o!). But seriously, we have made a really great team getting everything set up and Nat has really had to put his handy-man skills to use which I will explain in more detail in a later post (I'm trying to build anticipation here so that you guys will come back!). For now, enjoy the pre-move pics!


and nope again...although the oven looked nice!

this is the one!
our kitchen!

our bathroom

office/your guest room

living room looking at our bedroom door

living room looking at the guest bedroom door

last visit as a long distance couple